Jaguar Parade: Creativity, Conservation, and Commitment to the SDGs – Transforming Reality Through Art

Jaguar Parade: Creativity, Conservation, and Commitment to the SDGs – Transforming Reality Through Art

esg sdg ods onu jaguar parade arte socioambiental

Discover how Jaguar Parade, a renowned international art event, is committed to the cause of conservation and aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Through the unique combination of art, activism, and socio-environmental awareness, Jaguar Parade seeks to raise awareness about the importance of nature conservation and jaguars, while contributing to the achievement of global goals set by the SDGs.

Art and Activism: The Transformative Power of Jaguar Parade

Jaguar Parade goes beyond a simple art exhibition. It embodies the idea that art can be a powerful vehicle for activism and awareness. By bringing together talented artists and their impressive sculptures, Jaguar Parade captures the public’s attention and invites everyone to reflect on urgent socio-environmental issues. Below, you can see the relationship and commitment that Jaguar Parade establishes with some of the SDGs created by the UN:

SDGs ONU ODS nações unidas UN Jaguar Parade

SDG 13: Climate Action and Jaguar Parade

SDG 13 aims to combat climate change and its impacts. This involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting adaptation and resilience measures against climate effects, and mobilizing financial resources for climate actions.

Jaguar Parade is committed to SDG 13 – Climate Action. Through its sustainable practices, such as reductions and offsets in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, Jaguar Parade seeks to minimize its environmental impact and encourage actions to combat climate change. Additionally, Jaguar Parade’s sculptures convey strong messages about the importance of environmental preservation.

SDG 15: Life on Land and Jaguar Parade

SDG 15 aims to protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems, promote biodiversity conservation, and combat the loss of natural habitats, land degradation, and species extinction.

Preserving life on land, especially jaguars, is one of Jaguar Parade’s priorities. Through partnerships with organizations like Onçafari and Panthera, Jaguar Parade contributes to research, conservation programs, and actions to protect these majestic felines. By highlighting the importance of life on land in its exhibitions, Jaguar Parade inspires the public to value and protect biodiversity.

Global Impact: The Expansion of Jaguar Parade

The success of Jaguar Parade has led the movement to expand beyond the borders of Brazil. Now, Jaguar Parade sculptures are internationally recognized, attracting media attention and spectators from all over the world.

Recently, Jaguar Parade sculptures were featured at UNGA 2022 in New York. UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) is a global forum where world leaders gather to address international issues and challenges. During the assembly, topics such as peace and security, sustainable development, human rights, climate change, among others, are discussed with the aim of promoting cooperation and finding solutions to global problems.

Check out: Jaguar Parade joins forces with major companies for the protection of jaguars and vital biomes.

Community Engagement: Participating in Change

Jaguar Parade values community involvement and encourages active participation in its initiatives. Through interactive events, workshops, and educational activities, Jaguar Parade stimulates the public to become part of the change. Art is used as a tool to promote dialogues about socio-environmental issues, encouraging individual and collective actions in support of the SDGs.

More and more, Jaguar Parade establishes itself as a platform for awareness, action, and change. By supporting Jaguar Parade, you are contributing to nature conservation, combating climate change, and protecting life on land. Join us on this journey of art and social impact. Join our movement and be part of the change!
