Artivism: When Art Meets Advocacy

Artivism: When Art Meets Advocacy

Un mural del artista Banksy cubre una pared en el pueblo de Beit Sahour, en Cisjordania, el 18 de junio de 2014.

There is a growing movement of engaged expression in the art world, where artists use their creativity to promote social, political, and environmental causes. This movement is known as artivism, a combination of art and activism.

In this article, we will explore the concept of artivism, its history, and examples of some artists who excel in this form of expression. Additionally, we will see how Artery, a cultural production company, embraces artivism through its urban art events and initiatives with social and environmental purposes.

What is Artivism?

Artivism is the fusion of art and activism: artists use their creations to raise awareness, provoke reflection, and drive change on social, political, or environmental issues. It is a form of expression that transcends the conventional boundaries of art and seeks to impact society directly. Artivism encompasses various forms of manifestation, including painting, sculpture, music, theater, cinema, dance, and performance.

History of Artivism

Artivism is not a recent phenomenon. Throughout history, many artists have stood out for using their art as a tool for social transformation. An iconic example is Pablo Picasso’s masterpiece “Guernica,” which depicts the horrors of the Spanish Civil War. The painting symbolizes repudiation of violence and a commitment to peace.

Artivism - Guernica Pablo Picasso
Guernica, one of Pablo Picasso’s most famous works, painted in oil in 1937, is a “declaration of war against war and a manifesto against violence”

Artivist Artists

Many contemporary artists have embraced artivism to express their concerns and fight for change. For example, Keith Haring used graffiti to convey messages about AIDS, equality, and human rights.

Artivism - Keith Haring
Keith Haring was an American artist, friend of Andy Warhol, born in 1958 at Reading in Pennsylvania and died in New York in 1990. Now, exhibition of his art at Vienna.

Banksy is another well-known name for his urban interventions addressing social and political issues. His artworks often criticize consumer society and established powers. Another engaged artist is Ai Weiwei, whose work tackles issues of freedom of expression, human rights, and immigration.

Marina Abramović, a renowned performance artist, can also be mentioned in the context of artivism. Her provocative and engaged art inspires other artists to use the body and its limits as an artistic expression and a tool for transformation and awareness.

Artivism - Marina Abramovic
FLORENCE, ITALY – SEPT 25: Red color sculpture in contemporary art exhibition of artist Marina Abramovic on September 25, 2018. Abramovic is the feminist art pioneer and performer, was born in 1949

Artery: Art with Purpose

Artery is a cultural production company that promotes urban art events with a social and environmental purpose. Our projects, such as the Jaguar Parade, Elephant Parade, and Art of Love, have captivated millions worldwide while raising awareness about important causes. These events bring together talented artists who create sculptures and other artworks, conveying messages of nature preservation, social inclusion, love, and pride.

Jaguar Parade and Environmental Artivism

Jaguar Parade is one of the most emblematic events organized by Artery. It is an exhibition of giant jaguar sculptures painted by artists and spread throughout cities. Beyond being a visual spectacle, Jaguar Parade has an important environmental purpose: raising funds for jaguar conservation NGOs. This artistic and engaged initiative combines art with nature preservation, promoting awareness about the importance of protecting wildlife and ecosystems.

Artivism - Jaguar Parade Floripa 2023
White Jaguar by artist Paulo Ricardo Campos and Onça Dourada by Gard Pam at the JP Floripa 2023 exhibition

Elephant Parade and Elephant Advocacy

Another remarkable event is the Elephant Parade, which follows the same path of awareness and fundraising through art. Sculptures of elephants are customized by renowned artists and exhibited in various public locations.

This initiative aims to draw attention to elephant preservation and the fight against the illegal ivory trade. Through art, Elephant Parade advocates for animal rights and raises awareness about the importance of species preservation.

Artivism -Elephant Parade
Elephant Parade SC 2016 Sculpture

Art of Love: Celebrating Love and Diversity

Art of Love is another Artery initiative that promotes inclusion, love, and diversity through urban art. In this project, giant hearts are scattered across cities, each carrying a vibrant color representing a unique emotion.

These hearts tell stories of love and positivity, celebrating the diversity of relationships and the importance of respect and acceptance. Through Art of Love, Artery uses art to break barriers, unite people, and convey messages of equality and inclusion. 

Artivism - Art of Love SP 2021
Artwork Luz Heart by artist Camila Carrossine during the Art of Love SP 2021 exhibition
Artivism - Diversity LGBTQIAPN+ Pride Month
Artivism – Diversity LGBTQIAPN+ Pride Month

Art Inspires Transformation

Artivism is a powerful expression that combines creativity with the fight for social, political, and environmental causes. Throughout history, artists have used their art to provoke reflection, raise awareness, and drive change.

Artery is a cultural production company that embraces artivism in its urban art events, bringing forth important issues and promoting awareness of relevant topics.

By merging art with social and environmental purposes, such as nature preservation, social inclusion, and celebrating love and diversity, Artery inspires transformation. It demonstrates how art can be a powerful tool for positive societal change. 

Through events like the Jaguar Parade, Elephant Parade, and Art of Love, Artery invites people to reflect, engage, and become agents of transformation. Let’s join forces and make a difference together!

Artivism - Diversity LGBTQIAPN+ Pride Month
Artivism – Diversity LGBTQIAPN+ Pride Month

#art #artivism #transformation #environmental #social #esg #pridemonth

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